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Peer Reviewed Publications




Barts N, Greenway RG, Passow CN, Kelley JL, Tobler M. In Press. Evolution and expression of oxygen transport genes in replicated lineages of sulfide spring fishes. Genome


Passow CN, Henpita C, Shaw JH, Quakenbush C, Warren WC, Shartl M, Arias-Rodriguez L, Kelley JL, Tobler M. 2017. The roles of plasticity and evolutionary change in shaping gene expression variation in natural populations of extremophile fish. Molecular Ecology, 26: 6384-6399.


Passow CN, Arias-Rodriguez L, Tobler M. 2017. Convergent evolution of reduced energy demands in extremophile fish. PLoS One, 2(10): e0186935.


Passow CN, Brown AP, Yee M–C, Adams A, Arias-Rodriguez L, Bustamante C, Kelley JL, Tobler M. 2017. Complexities of gene expression patterns in natural populations of an extremophile fish (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae). Molecular Ecology, 26: 4211-4225.




Tobler M, Passow CN, Greenway R, Kelley JL, Shaw J. 2016. The evolutionary ecology of hydrogen sulfide environments. Annual Reviews Ecology Evolution and Systematics, 47: 239-262.


Culumber ZW, Hopper GW, Barts N, Passow CN, Morgan S, Brown A, Arias-Rodriguez L, Tobler M. In Press. Habitat use of two extremophile, highly endemic, and critically endangered fish species (Gambusia eurystoma and Poecilia sulphuraria; Poeciliidae). Marine Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Environments, 26: 1155-1167.




Passow CN, Greenway RG, Arias-Rodriquez L, Jeyasingh P, Tobler M. 2015. Reduction of energetic demands through modification of body size and routine metabolic rates in extremophile fish. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 88: 371-383.


Tobler M, Scharnweber K, Greenway R, Passow CN, Arias-Rodriguez L, Garcia de Leon, FJ. 2015. Convergent changes in the trophic ecology of extremophile fish along replicated environmental gradients. Freshwater Biology, 60: 768-780.


Paczolt K, Passow CN, Kindsvater H, Rosenthal GG. 2015. Multiple mating and reproductive skew in parental and introgressed females of the live-bearing fish Xiphophorus birchnanni. Journal of Heredity, 106: 57-66.




Johnson JB, Macedo DC, Passow CN, Rosenthal GG. 2014. Novel ornament combinations and swimming performance in naturally-hybridizing swordtails (Teleostei: Xiphophorus). PLoS One, 9: e109025


Pfenninger M, Lerp H, Tobler M, Passow C, Kelley JL, Funke E, Greshake B, Erkoc UK, Berberich T, Plath M. 2014. Parallel evolution of cox genes in H2S-tolerant fish as key adaptation to a toxic envrionment. Nature Communications 5: 3873.




Plath M, Pfenninger M, Lerp H, Riesch R, Eschenbrenner C, Slattery P, Arias-Rodriguez L, Imber-Rindy J, Passow C, Tobler M. 2013. Genetic differentiation and selection against migrants in evolutionarily replicated extreme environments. Evolution 67: 2647-2661.




Kelley JL, Passow CN, Plath M, Yeel MC, Bustmantel C, Tobler M. 2012. Genomic resources for a model in adaptation and speciation research: characterization of the Poecilia mexicana transcriptome. BMC Genomics 13: 652.






Yoshizawa M, Settle A, Hermosura M, Tuttle L, Cetraro N, Passow CN, McGaugh SE. In Review. The evolution of a series of behavioral traits is associated with autism-risk genes in cavefish.


Passow CN*, Bronikowski AM*, Blackmon H, Parsai S, Schwartz TS, McGaugh SE. In preparation. Contrasting patterns of rapid molecular evolution within the p53-network across mammal and reptile lineages.

*Authors contributed equally










Publications In Preparation

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